
Evolved Episode 15: Nick Strikes Back

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Nick eases his head against the soft pillow, avoiding any contact to the bandages wrapped freshly around his head. He lets out a sigh. “Peace at last.” His arms cross over his torso and meet at the center where his stomach his. The Shiftry closes his eyes, wishing that nothing would disturb him as he rests, especially Tom. One of his eyes flutters open when he hears the sound of the creaking floor. Tom stands before him with his paws locked in front of his belly. Nick closes his eye after noticing him. “What do you want, Dewott?”
Tom takes an additional step. “I came to apologize for hurting you.”
Nick closes his eyes tighter and turns his head away from him. “Hmph!”
Tom takes a deep breath. “Look, I understand you don’t feel like talking to me, but I just want to let you know I truly am sorry. It was stupid of me to hit you and I know I shouldn’t have done that.”
“That’s right, you shouldn’t have!” the Shiftry interrupts.
“Can I please finish?” Tom asks. Nick is silent. “I just want you to know you’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you. Forgive me?”
Nick opens his eyes, sits up, and stares at him. “You’ve done enough damage. I’m in no mood to talk to you and want to be left alone.” He leans back, crosses his arms.
Tom takes another step. “Nick…” The Shiftry grumbles and rolls onto his left side, showing the red-masked Dewott his back. Rejected of forgiveness, Tom lets out a sigh, turns, and leaves.
Nick twists back to spot Tom’s tail disappear up the stairs. “Finally.”
Mooncheeks approaches him from the kitchen. “What happened in here? I heard yelling.”
“Nothing, sweetheart,” Nick replies. “I just don’t want Tom to make matters worse for me, if you know what I’m talking about.”
Mooncheeks sighs. “Yeah, Zach told me everything.” She sits on the edge of the couch cushion in front of him and applies her hand to his cheek. “Tom probably wants to be closer to you.”
“Closer to me?” Nick asks. “He already did that before I told him to scram.”
“No, not physically.” Mooncheeks strokes his face. “What I’m saying is, don’t you think he wants to hang out with you a little more? I mean, he is your friend.”
Nick sighs. “Well, he did save my life back in Scolden.”
She smiles, dragging her hand down to his chest. “Yes. He’s looking out for you and just wants to spend time with his best friend.”
“I don’t know if I can. I’m still pretty angry.”
“Then give yourself some time to relax,” Mooncheeks replies. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” She plants a small kiss on his cheek before she stands and walks through the archway.
Nick stares up at the white ceiling, processing his thoughts. “Right now, I just feel like getting even with him.” He closes his eyes, but manages a sneer. “Yeah, that’s it. After a nap, I’ll get him with the most perfect prank.”


“Dinner!” Mooncheeks shouts. Nick’s eyes open. He sits up, swings himself to the side of the couch and stands. As he makes his way to the table, he notices Tom stomp down the stairs and rush to his seat.
Tom smiles. “Oh boy, I’m starving!”
Mooncheeks laughs. “Patience, Tom.” Cleargaze and Zach take their seats next to each other with Melissa sitting across from them.
Nerelia takes the chair next to Tom. “I can’t wait to try Mooncheeks’ special spicy chicken stir-fry.”
Tom stands. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He makes his way into the bathroom and shuts the door. While everyone is busy talking to each other, Nick slips out a bottle of greenish liquid from his pouch and pours half of it into Tom’s cup. Then, he slips the bottle back into his pouch.
Zach turns to him. “Nick, where are you sitting?”
Nick darts his eyes at him. “Oh, I think I’ll sit next to Melissa.” He takes the empty seat next to the shiny Lopunny.
Melissa looks at him. “I didn’t know you wanted to sit next to me. What’s the occasion?”
“Nothing,” he answers. “Why? Is it wrong of me to sit next to you?”
Melissa shakes her head. “Not at all.”
The bathroom door opens after a flushing sound and Tom jolts out, taking his place back at the table. “I’m back! What did I miss?”
Nerelia laughs. “We didn’t even start dinner yet.”
“We have now.” Mooncheeks serves everybody her chicken stir-fry before sitting down and taking her own portion.
Melissa places some in her mouth. “This is good, Mooncheeks! You’ve got to give me the recipe.”
Tom scarfs his serving down. “This is delicious!”
“Tom,” Zach says. “Don’t eat so fast. Take a drink so you don’t choke.” Tom sighs, taking his glass, holds it by his mouth, and tips the liquid down his throat. Nick covers his smile and snickers.
Cleargaze turns to him. “What’s so funny?”
Nick doesn’t bother to turn to him. “Oh, nothing.”
Tom stares at Nick and narrows one eye. “Strange…” He turns back to his food, placing the glassware on the surface of the table.
“By the way,” Melissa adds to the conversation. “Who was that you were talking to on EVA, Zach?”
Zach lifts his fork halfway and looks at her. “No one important.” He places the food in his mouth, slides it off the fork, and grinds it with his teeth. “Don’t worry.” He faces Nick. “By the way, how are you feeling?”
Nick turns to him. “Okay.”
Mooncheeks smiles. “That’s good that you’re feeling better, dear. You look so cute when you smile.”
The Shiftry looks away, blushing. “Stop, Mooncheeks. You’re embarrassing me.”
Nerelia notices Tom, who is holding his stomach. “Tom, are you okay?”
Tom lets out a grunt. “My stomach feels a little tight.”
Cleargaze stabs a piece of chicken and lifts it in the air. “Maybe you shouldn’t scarf your food down.”
“Yeah,” Nick adds. “It’s not healthy.”
Tom holds his stomach tighter and pushes himself away from the table. “I don’t… I don’t feel so- Holy! Uh!” His mouth bloats. He bends down and vomit explodes from his mouth onto the floor. Everyone stands from the table.
“Oh God!” Melissa shouts.
“Whoa, that is disgusting,” Nick says. More puke spills from Tom’s mouth onto Mooncheeks’ dining room floor.
Mooncheeks runs toward him. “No! Not all over my floor!”
Nerelia wraps her arm around him. “Come on. We’re going to the bathroom.” She aids him to the toilet, where he falls on his knees and leans over the bowl, spewing his stomach juice into it. Nick holds his belly and chuckles.
Zach turns to him fast. “Nick, did you do this?!”
“Yes!” The Shiftry can’t stop laughing. “I’m sorry, but I had to do that. He hurt me so badly.”
The Lucario shakes his head. “Mischief is never the answer.”
“Yeah,” Mooncheeks adds. “Especially when it involves my expensive flooring.”
Nick rubs the back of his head. “Sorry about that. Here, I’ll clean it up.” He grabs a mob and scrubs the floor.
“That was so mean!” Cleargaze shouts. “What did you put in his drink?!”
Nick finishes scrubbing the last of Tom’s puke. “Oh, just put half a bottle of ipecac in his soda.”
Cleargaze’s eyes widen. “Ipecac?”
Melissa turns to him. “It’s a chemical that induces vomiting.” She faces Nick. “And where did you get ipecac from?”
“Oh, I asked Mooncheeks to get some from the store just in case,” he responds. Zach frowns and darts his eyes at Mooncheeks. Melissa does the same as well.
Mooncheeks turns to him. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t know what he wanted it for.”
“Damn.” Zach makes his way to the bathroom and leans against the wall by the door. “Hey, Tom. How you feeling in there?”
Tom wails and moans. “Awful! I feel like popcorn’s popping in my stomach.”
Zach sighs. “Well, you’ll be happy to know you don’t have a flu or serious illness. Nick planted ipecac in your drink.”
“What?!” Tom struggles to his feet. “He did that?! Actually, I’ve got to give him credit there…” He grips his stomach and hunches over the toilet bowl.
Nerelia wraps her arms around him. “Take it easy. How about I make you something light so you have something in your belly?” She plants her paw on his stomach.
Tom looks up at her and smiles. “Yeah, that would be good. Thanks, baby.”
*Warning: The following story and video referenced below contains sensitive material for certain audiences. If you have a weak stomach or are subject to throwing up, do not watch the video/read this episode.

So, Nick gets back at Tom for knocking him out. I could use more ideas for TYE. If you want, feel free to submit some ideas. I will not accept sexual and/or gore in the TYE saga or TY in general.  

Team Young - :iconzach-usa:

Mooncheeks the Gardevoir and Cleargaze the Sableye - :iconpazlin:

Inspired by Man drinks Ipecac -…
© 2015 - 2024 Zach-USA
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Pazlin's avatar
Nick! What had you done??!! Now I'm probably the one who have to help you to clean it!